Who Invented Business Cards

Who Invented Business Cards?

Apparently this was originated in Europe, France in particular, where it was typical for a gentleman or a lady in the 19th century to carry a card. It was a common thing amongst everyone in Europe at the time. At this time in Europe the business card was freely given out to all, by just about everyone, as a hello, or an ice breaker.

These cards were not too different from todays business cards, as you could imagine. Pretty much every business card has the same basic information on it. That is because it is the core of what makes the business card such a powerful tool in marketing yourself, a business, service, or some sort of merchandise. What started in Paris in the 19th century and then was then brought to the US about the same time.

The US was a bit more formal about the affairs of which a business card was thought to be proper. Mostly only left behind with a servant at first the business card was a way to say hey I came to collect my bill and you were not in. Now today we have evolved to what used to be a European way of passing out the business card, quite freely as cheap business cards of high quality are easier to find.

So now everyone has easy access to the fantastically effective, good looking, business cards to be remembered by. If you dont have a business card you would be better off getting finding cheap business card printing online and getting a few thousand cards for less than a video game costs these days. Its no secret everyone who know anything about business knows a business card is essential.

Inside Business Advertising And Report Tv Scam

Let life pass you by! This maxim of the slow, I suggest, could potentially usurp governments, the global economy, and the war machine. This complete reversal of the old saying Dont let life pass you by potentially signifies a new rupture point. A point of rupture or departure of becoming and self-reclamation in a world so apathetically speed-driven that it is made hypnotic by the blur of sights passing it by. This maxim is not just a simple banal repetition in line with Wake up and smell the coffee, and so on. No, Inside Business Scams, Reports, or Advertising. As if anyone could ever get inside business or the advertising world.

Inside Business Report TV Scam… It sounds like a parody of so much that is fast and wrong, fast and loose, and even a potential Mel Brooks skit. What does it mean to be “inside”? Does it imply special knowledge?, Advanced knowledge? What does Inside Business Report TV Scam imply when one detaches oneself from the passivity of shame, the passive acquiescence to the rays of TV, the doldrums of drugs, bland consumerism, even self-help or self-hurt books.

To call inside business scams scams is to demean the term scam or con. Reports of these business scams are rarely exaggerated. Their demise is certainly in doubt. Slowness is itself the antidote to inside business reports scams also called acceleration, the myth of technology, and crass consumerism. Inside business report tv scam…. it sounds like a Pavement song, a joke between the siblings of George Carlin and Mel Brooks, or some Saturday Night Live Tina Fey parody of the corrupt financial sector……

I propose slowness could be to the 21st century what speed was to the 20th century. The amount of technological, sociological, artistic, philosophical, and political change that has blown over the world in the past one hundred years has been practically constant and exponential in terms of both its speed and its qualitative and quantitative effects. Inside Business Scams Report huge losses, or huge gains. Either way. the game is fixed. Speed, Virilio’s acceleration, is a Toyota Prius with no brakes: The illusion of progress and excellence. In reality, Inside business scams report a number of illusions, all leading to accelerated death. Whether you are taking DHEA as a muscle builder or prozac as a relaxative, it doesn’t matter, we’re cooked as long as our foot is on the gas or, maybe, as with the 2009 Prius, even if our foot is off the gas, we are accelerating with no hope of stopping or slowing down until we crash into the concrete barriers of our consensual hallucinations….

These are changes which are practically totalitarian by nature and driven by an elite technocratic capitalist class that relies on the decadence and helplessness of those not in its class for its own accelerated proliferation. Yet the masses, the mediated and exploited of the world, both the impoverished and the industrialized, are complicit in this proliferation. Inside business scams, report, retort, inside business reporting scams… who knows what evil may come? Everyone is a potential insider in today’s mythological inside business report scam society!!!!

Across the world from India to Japan to Canada, American (Technocratic Capitalist) culture is consumed ever-increasing quantities at ever-increasing rates. From EuroDisney in France to Coca-Cola in Vietnam, the culture of desire, speed, racism, sexism, violence, and immediate and perpetual stimulation, is luring the multitude of Others into its speed trap. It is seduced via Titanic and the Marlboro Man as much as it is imposed economically and militarily by arms of the Mother Country such as the United Nations, the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), and the Cable News Network (CNN).

This is a proliferation and complicity, eloquently described in works such as Jean Baudrillards Simulations and Guy Debords The Society of the Spectacle, dependent upon an unquestioned acceleration and propagation of the myths and lies associated with linear progress, digital revolutions, moving forward, and other cliches whose grip on our collective political, philosophical, and artistic consciousness seems to be impregnable and all-encompassing. But this is a grip which can be tickled, even pissed off, rendered obsolete, even passe, by slowing down, by turning technology and speed back on themselves.

Report the scam of acceleration inside your business report scam…….

A shift in the speed of human evolution has taken place, from fast to the speed of light. We are currently in a time that has no definition or name. We are in an era changing so rapidly that by the time we think of a name for it we will have entered into a new one or collided violently with its end; unless we collectively decelerate now. The rate of change of human beings seems to be asymptotic. It cannot skyrocket upward at a 45 degree angle forever. Instead, it must eventually level out and perhaps even reverse its course, depending on a number of ecological, political, philosophical, and even astronomical (in the literal sense (ie. Asteroids and comets, (even space aliens?))) factors. Eventually we will get tired of acceleration and learn to value deceleration. The question is whether or not we are past the point of no return as a species, even as individuals with our rush to the accumulation of material wealth, conquest, and other decadent drives leading to nowhere.

Go ahead and take your dietary supplements, your melatonin, your viagara, see if that stops the scam and slows you down inside business reports of today’s world!

The question is whether or not the deceleration will have to be a screeching halt or worse a fatal collision, instead of a willed slowing down. Letting life pass you by means driving slowly in the fast lane, always arriving late for important meetings, turning in assignments past their deadlines, being late for work, making slow art, playing the drums with fallen limbs from the forest, making love slowly instead of stampeding to the clitoris, using high-speed supercomputers to perform word processing tasks or simple calculations such as 1+1=2, and so forth